Discover Connection Through Horses
The Dance of Relationship™
Listen – Learn – Lead
Equine Guided Interactions
@ Azadeh Acres, Maple Ridge, BC
The Dance of Relationship is our signature Equine Facilitated Wellness program where we explore the power of pause, freedom and connection through “the space between” us and other. Expand your resiliency by becoming powerfully present, by finding your voice and by being brave enough to have courageous conversations. Explore your subconscious habits and discover your strengths.
Listen to your body and Learn to Lead your own life with compassion while building connections with self and other.
Demystifying Equine Assisted Services Through Research & Science
with Equine International
The course deconstructs activities in equine-assisted services (EAS) with the support of recent research to analyze and understand horse-human interactions from the perspective of the horse as well as the therapeutic goals for the participant.
Facilitator Training
with The Eco Academy
Professional training programs in Nature Guided Wellness. Whether you want to work with horses, dogs or mountain goats or trees, join us in the field – Learning, Leading and Counselling with Nature.
In the Field™
Online App
An app connecting equine assisted service professionals to each other and to the community. Join us in the Field.
Ears Forward Coaching offers trauma-informed, expressive movement and mindfulness based Horse Connection experiences to help you become powerfully present, find your voice and have courageous conversations.
The scope of practice for these Horse Connection Experiences fall within equine assisted learning, equine facilitated wellness, somatic and expressive movement & therapeutic wellness and life coaching.
Horse experience is NOT required – all interactions are on the ground. (no horseback riding) Ears Forward Coaching is located @ Azadeh Acres in Whonnock, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada.
We invite you to come dance with the herd and explore how a horse connection experience can increase your self awareness, leadership skills and resilience as you explore working with emotional agility and uncertainty in our ever changing world.
“Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”
in the Field™
This online app connects Equine Assisted Service providers to their clients while connecting them to themselves through professional development. Connect to knowledge to be inspired from having the latest research in the field of equine psychology and ethology at your fingertips.
Anytime, Anywhere
Let’s Connect
in the Field™
Our Team
In Nature’s Classroom
Azadeh Acres
Our Space
Career & Leadership Coach
Equine Facilitated Learning Professional (EFLP) and Equine Specialist/ Professional (EP) with Pro-EFW | Expressive Movement Facilitator

Sharolyn Wandzura offers leadership and personal development programs at Ears Forward Coaching based out of Azadeh Acres located in east Maple Ridge, BC. As a long time student of the horse, she blends Liberty Horse Training, Equine Guided Development & Career Coaching to help clients find their voice, become compassionate leaders and have courageous conversations. Sharolyn is a great listener with a knack for reading between the lines and understanding things intuitively. With a gentle and compassionate approach, Sharolyn helps clients gain congruence, clarity and courage with the help of her favourite partners; her horses, Mannah, Sweet Georgia Brown and Summer.
Affiliations and Memberships: Pro-EFW, BCTRA – BC Therapeutic Riding Association
Our Trusted, Heart-Centered Partners: Equine International & The Eco Academy
Inspirations: Brené Brown, Carolyn Resnick